Cinequest Film Festival (CQFF) in San Jose / Silicon Valley: Set in the home of the world’s most influential media technology companies (Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, LinkedIn etc.) CQFF showcases premier films, renowned and emerging artists, and breakthrough technology—empowering global connectivity between creators, innovators and audiences. Named best digital festival and a top 10 film festival (out of thousands) by the Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, CQFF has led the world in its showcase and implementation of the technologies that have revolutionized film making, exhibition and distribution.
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CQFF’s blend of the artist and innovator gains focus through its Maverick Awards. Its Maverick Spirit Awards recognizes artists (Harrison Ford, J.J. Abrams, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ben Kingsley, Kevin Spacey and Sir Ian McKellen are amongst the guest recipients). Its Maverick Innovator Award recognizes technologists (including Martin Cooper, father of the cell phone). A Maverick stands apart from the crowd willing to create and innovate from a place of personal yet global vision. Cinequest presents a dynamic 13-day event of 200 international films with over 700+ participating artists and innovators from 50 countries in attendance. Over 10,000 artists have attended CQFF to date.
Exhibiting unique social and artistic visions from around the globe, Cinequest’s dynamic festival engages audiences in thought-provoking dialogue, giving film artists and film lovers alike an opportunity to connect. Furthermore, Cinequest provides cutting edge technology and movie-making forums to empower professionals and students.
Although over 100,000 attend CQFF, the three-block proximity of its state-of-the-art venues along with Cinequest’s renowned hospitality, makes the festival experience as warm and personal as it is electrifying.